Rabu, 15 April 2015

5 Artikel Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Baru sempet ngepost nih setelah sibuk sama tugas-tugas kampus -uhuk udah mahasiswa sekarang-. Mau ngepost ini aja nih tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris pas semester 1 lalu. Jadi tiap minggunya, setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat jurnal dengan tema yang diberikan dosennya. Dosennya sih minta buat 'jurnal', tapi gue sih buatnya diary gitu cuma bedanya ini pake bahasa inggris. Ini dikumpulin lho. Ternyata dosennya itu apik, dibaca satu-satu tulisan kita. Jadi dia tau siapa yang bikin sendiri, siapa yang copy dari temen atau copy dari mana-mana semerdeka mereka haha. Tulisan gue ini sih semua jatuhnya ke curhat yaa hahaha. Maaf-maaf ya kalo masih rebek sana-sini. Namanya juga lagi belajar kan^^,
Yaudah ini 5 tulisan gue dengan judul My Favourite Hobby, My Favourite Song, My Inspirational Teacher, Learning Mathematics, and Me and My Facebook. Cekidot!

My Favourite Hobby
Singing is my favorite hobby. Singing can make me feel so free and forget all the bad and the stressed feelings. I spend at least two hour for singing and listening music every day. I love listening and singing a slow music like Taylor Swift’s song, but sometimes I like rock genre too like Avenged Seven fold’s song. I enjoy singing so much so I always sing in my room and bathroom. Bathroom looks like my own stage. My voice is not beautiful as Hollywood or Barbie movie singer, but I don’t care, I love singing so much.
I love singing since I was a kid. But I just like singing for myself so no one know that I can sing. When I was in 12th grade and have to sing in the cultural arts practical exam, I accept the challenge from my teacher that is the one who can sing Christina Aguilera-Hurt will be given 90 in the diploma. My teacher started playing the piano and I just sing as good as I can. Without I guess, my classmates were so amazed knowing that I can sing.  They started screaming. My teacher stand applause for me and say that he will give me 98 in the diploma. After that, I was asked to sing in language and social class, and sing in my graduation party. After that, I get more and more love for singing. In college, I want to be a member of Unit Kesenian Mahasiswa choir. I have a dream that one day people will gather around the world to hear my song. --Now, I completely a member of Unit Kesenian Mahasiswa choir--.

My Favourite Song
Actually I have a lot of favorite songs. When Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perri is in the peak of their career, I love all of their songs. But my favorite song of all songs is 'hurt' sung by Christina Aguilera.
Hurt was written by Christina Aguilera, Linda Perry, and Mark Ronson. Hurt was released on September 19, 2006 as the second single Aguilera in her sixth album 'back to basics'. Its instrumentation comes from bass, cello, contrabass, drums, guitar, piano, viola and violin. The song's lyrical content came after Aguilera's desire to record a song about losing someone and describes how one deals with the loss of a loved one. Hurt tells the story of a girl who during his father's life, she ignored and blamed her father for everything she could not do. And when she knows that his father was dead, he can only blame herself. She could only be sad because she will not be able to hug her father again, she could not hear his voice again, she cannot talk with her father again, she could not apologize to her father and she realized that she has hurt herself by hurting his father.
I have at least 3 reasons why hurt became my favorite song. The first, the lyrics of ‘hurt’ is so beautiful, sad, and deep. Secondly, my heart is always sick when listening to this song, because I feel all the pain in the song by remembering that my father is in heaven. The third, Aguilera has a very melodious voice and difficult to imitate, so if someone wants to sing this song well, the one must have a profound feeling when singing it.
           Hurt is a song that has a very deep meaning. Hurt is intended not only for our parents but also for someone we love. Love our loved ones before they're gone.

 My Inspirational Teacher
When I was asked to write about my inspirational teacher, my mind drifted to my chemistry and mathematics teacher when I was in grade 11 and 12 senior high school. Drs. Tri Heru Sedono or Pak Heru is teacher who inspired me so much. He is a teacher who has a smart brain, multi talent, diligent, on time, have a great work ethos, kind, and caring his entire students.
He is graduated from Chemistry UI in 1984 and then work as a chemistry teacher in Al-Falah. It means that he was teaching in Al-Falah for 30 years. His house is not in around Al-Falah’s  environment, he lived in Ciputat that far away from Al-Falah and need 2 hours to get to Al-Falah. Can you imagine a teacher who had rode his motorcycle every dawn to go to the school with the intention just for Allah?
Pak Heru is a multi talent teacher; although he is a chemistry teacher, he can teach mathematics too and has a skill in acupuncture. In his house, he has a kindergarten, a chicken coop and a fish pound.
Pak Heru is very considerate teacher. After teaching the material, he walk around the class to greet us one by one and help students who have difficulty understanding the explanation. Sometimes I often consult my problem to him and he happily replied, assist, provide a way out and motivate me.
I really like his personality. Fatherly soul makes me comfortable with him. Every Idul Fitri and every his birthday, we go to his house, have fun in his kindergarten, make a rujak by ourselves and cook a spaghetti together with Pak Heru. So fun when we with him.
A few more years when I became a teacher I want to be a great teacher like Pak Heru who can teach and loving his student not for hire but his intention sincere for Allah.

Learning Mathematics
Everyone know that Mathematics is a weird, complicated and abstract science. Some people even hate this subject because they can’t face up to this kind of rational science. So I do. When I was in the first year in senior high school, I feel like my idea to be a math teacher is gone away because I just can get 5/6/7 in my exam. Then in the second grade, the subject is more abstract. My teacher seems like a lecturer not a math teacher. He teaches us so fast so no one in class can understand him.
I still abandoned mathematics until a time when I wake up from my deep sleep. I’m awake and just think and realize that mathematics will always be like this. Mathematics is an important subject if someone wants to continue their study and wants to be success person. I must find the way to deal with math. And then I know the only way is to facing and loving math.
            Learning mathematics is fun. Learning mathematics need a happiness to know the ideas, understand the concept and do plenty of exercises.  The reason why I love math is I feel so happy when I can do the difficult math problem. Times go on and I feel my idea and my spirit to become a great math teacher are come again. I am ready to focus to every kind of problem in math. I will struggle to conquer math. I finally found the key to successful learning math that is learning math just for Allah, understand the concept and practice it again and again because practice makes perfect.

Me and My Facebook
             Facebook is a famous social media. When I was in 2nd grade in junior high school, someone who has a facebook considered slang and cool. Therefore, in September 2009, I asked my friend made me a facebook account. At that time, I was blind to the internet, I constantly ask my friend to upload my photo to be used as a profile picture. I am very proud when I have facebook profile photo. My life full of taking pictures and then I upload on facebook. At that time, if I want to online facebook, I had to go to internet cafe. When I know that my phone can access the internet, I more often use facebook. I often write about an event, issue, and strange things, etc. on my fb status.
My goal using facebook at least to 5 things. The first one is to communicate with relatives, friends elementary school until college, and friends in cyberspace. With Facebook, I can communicate again with my friend who moved to other city. The second one is to obtain information about education, technology, lifestyle, sports, news, and all information that can enrich my knowledge of what happens in the present. The third one is to speak up. Sometimes when I feeling so raging in my heart and no longer capable of buried, I often write notes facebook that contains something to give a good lesson for the reader. The fourth one is to train myself to be sympathetic to others. I was happy when I read the status of my friends, like happy for winning the race, entered into favorites ptn, etc. I was also sad and empathetic to my friends who are grieving, receiving the disaster, etc. The last, facebook is the source of knowledge for me. I love to like the fanpage ustadzs and fanpages who give a knowledges for me.
Facebook is so useful for me. Now, I am trying to optimize what is on facebook to be useful for my life. No day without taking advantage of facebook.

  Oke itulah curhatan dalam tugas gue. Terima kasih sudah membaca^^,).

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